Divine demonstration

Divine demonstration

Robert Louis Wilken on the folly of arguing for God’s existence apart from the reality of Christ
Philosophy and loving the Logos

Philosophy and loving the Logos

Robert Louis Wilken on early Christians and the pursuit of a virtuous life
Let saints on Earth in concert sing . . .

Let saints on Earth in concert sing . . .

In this audio reprint of an article from First Things, Church historian Robert Wilken describes how the lives of virtuous Christians became models for imitation.(46 minutes)
We feebly struggle, they in glory shine

We feebly struggle, they in glory shine

Church historian Robert Wilken describes how the early Church’s witness about the nature of truth challenged the assumptions of the surrounding culture. (15 minutes)
Religious pluralism & the calling of Christian intellectuals

Religious pluralism & the calling of Christian intellectuals

From our archives, Robert Wilken talks about religious pluralism in Christian history, and Robert Jenson discusses his essay on the calling of Christian intellectuals. (25 minutes)