Science’s need for philosophy and revelation
D. Stephen Long explores a consistent theme in the work of theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar: the relationship between Christianity, modernity, and secularity. (46 minutes)
Theological realism
Kevin J. Vanhoozer discusses theologian T. F. Torrance’s understanding of the positive relation between science and theology. (52 minutes)
Resituating discussion of “science” and “religion”
Peter Harrison argues that modern Western culture’s partitioning of ‘science’ and ‘religion’ into distinct spheres is a novel categorical conception in history. (58 minutes)
The novelty of “science” and “religion”
Peter Harrison on the contingency of the boundaries that divide our lives
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 122
N. T. Wright, George Marsden, Makoto Fujimura, David Bentley Hart, and Thomas Lessl
Science and Theology from the Bottom Up: Sir John Polkinghorne on Enriching the Dialogue
Sir John Polkinghorne talks about the main themes of his book Science and the Trinity: The Christian Encounter with Reality. (54 minutes)