What does it mean to be a creature?
Canon-theologian Simon Oliver explains how and why the doctrine of Creation is cardinal and must frame all theology. (62 minutes)

Oliver, Simon
FROM THE GUEST PAGE: Simon Oliver is the Van Mildert Professor of Divinity at Durham University. Oliver’s work is focussed on Christian theology and metaphysics, particularly the doctrine of creation.

The true light, which gives light to everyone
Simon Oliver on the significance of light in the rise of experimental knowledge

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 139
W. Bradford Littlejohn, Simon Oliver, Matthew Levering, Esther Lightcap Meek, Paul Tyson, and David Fagerberg

Simon Oliver: Creation, Modernity, & Public Theology
Simon Oliver examines the traditional understanding of the doctrine of Creation and explains how some of our modern divisions and disputes are the products of an insufficient framework for Creation that developed during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. (71 minutes)