The historian's communal role as storyteller

The historian’s communal role as storyteller

Historian Christopher Shannon discusses how American academic historical writing presents a grand narrative of progressivism, which it defends by subscribing to an orthodoxy of objective Reason. (21 minutes)
On remembering and recognition

On remembering and recognition

In memory of Frederick Buechner’s life, Ken Myers shares from his 1996 conversation with the acclaimed writer. Also heard are two interviews with novelist Ron Hansen about the craft of writing fiction. (29 minutes)
Robert W. Jenson: “How the World Lost Its Story”

Robert W. Jenson: “How the World Lost Its Story”

Theologian Robert W. Jenson describes how a postmodern world is characterized by the loss of a conviction that we inhabit a “narratable world” that exists coherently outside of ourselves. (40 minutes)
Which story is ours?

Which story is ours?

“Instead of allowing the Bible to shape us, we may in fact be allowing our culture to shape the Bible for us.”