Christianity and psychiatry in a “comfortable rapprochement”

Discernment of personal mission
Thomas C. Oden on how he came to understand his vocation within a slow growth toward orthodoxy

Our suffering, and Christ’s
Joel James Shuman and Keith Meador: “The absence of deliverance from sickness or suffering is neither a sign that God has withdrawn favor nor an occasion to abandon hope.”

On medicine and the meaning of suffering
Guests Susan Bergman and Christopher Shannon discuss the meaning of suffering and how we might suffer well with Christ. (19 minutes)

Suffering and the vocation of medicine
Stanley Hauerwas on why the elimination of suffering is an inadequate (and unrealistic) goal for medicine

Thinking Christianly about the body
Theologian and ethicist Gilbert Meilaender discusses some of the themes he explores in two of his books: Body, Soul and Bioethics; and Bioethics: A Primer for Christians. (19 minutes)

“Death lies at the heart of modern medicine”
Dr. Kimbell Kornu, who teaches health care ethics and palliative medicine at St. Louis University, talks about why modern medicine can’t adequately explain health or suffering, even as doctors promote health and try to eliminate suffering. (28 minutes)

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 141
Grant Wythoff, Susanna Lee, Gerald R. McDermott, Carlos Eire, Kelly Kapic, and James Matthew Wilson

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 79
FEATURED GUESTS: Carson Holloway, Peter Augustine Lawler, Hadley Arkes, Ben Witherington, III, Christopher Shannon, and Roger Lundin