Liberalism’s self-destructive dynamic

Liberalism’s self-destructive dynamic

T. S. Eliot on the social need to move toward something and not just away
All manner of thing shall be well

All manner of thing shall be well

T. S. Eliot’s Four Quartets is regarded by many as his greatest accomplishment. Today’s Feature presents a lecture about this monumental work, a talk given in 2019 by Dr. Janice Brown. (58 minutes)
Why culture won't prevent anarchy

Why culture won’t prevent anarchy

James Matthew Wilson explains how T. S. Eliot presented a compelling alternative to Matthew Arnold’s belief that the arts and literature could sufficiently replace religion’s function in modern society. (11 minutes)
James Matthew Wilson: “T. S. Eliot: Culture and Anarchy”

James Matthew Wilson: “T. S. Eliot: Culture and Anarchy”

James Matthew Wilson examines T. S. Eliot’s cultural conservatism and religious conversion in light of his intellectual and familial influences. (79 minutes)
The dead-end of privatized faith

The dead-end of privatized faith

T. S. Eliot on the Church’s duty to interfere with the World