Cleansing sea breezes

Cleansing sea breezes

Thomas C. Oden argues that rather than being conformed to contemporary ideological trends, we should be informed by 2000 years of the Church’s wisdom. And Darrell Amundsen corrects some false claims about the early Church’s views on suicide. (27 minutes)
Looking for solutions in all the wrong places

Looking for solutions in all the wrong places

Christopher A. Hall on how Thomas C. Oden (1931–2016) discovered the wisdom of the ancient Church
Discernment of personal mission

Discernment of personal mission

Thomas C. Oden on how he came to understand his vocation within a slow growth toward orthodoxy
Divorcing the spirit of the age

Divorcing the spirit of the age

Thomas C. Oden on overcoming the theological faddism of the late twentieth century