Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 140

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 140

FEATURED GUESTS: Matthew Rubery, James A. Herrick, Jack Baker, Jeffrey Bilbro, Timothy Gloege, David Hollinger, and Barrett Fisher
Mark Shiffman: “Humanity 4.5”

Mark Shiffman: “Humanity 4.5”

While it is tempting to dismiss transhumanism as a fringe science fiction, Mark Shiffman warns that the Cartesian aspirations of transhumanists are becoming more accepted and more common. (45 minutes)
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 118

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 118

FEATURED GUESTS: Gilbert Meilaender, Ron Highfield, Mark Mitchell, Daniel M. Bell, Jr., Helen Rhee, and Peter Brown
Fixed certainties, fixed mysteries

Fixed certainties, fixed mysteries

Science journalist John Horgan, author of The Undiscovered Mind: How the Human Brain Defies Replication, Medication, and Explanation, discusses the limits of neuroscience. (13 minutes)