Knowing the world through the body

Knowing the world through the body

Professor Martin X. Moleski explains why Michael Polanyi (1891-1976) left his career in science to become a philosopher. (16 minutes)
"A sign of contradiction"

“A sign of contradiction”

In this lecture, Daniel Gibbons compares and contrasts understandings of sacramental poetics proposed by Augustine, Aquinas, and Sydney. (36 minutes)
Treating Truth with sovereign respect

Treating Truth with sovereign respect

Henri de Lubac on the urgency of intellectual activity
Goodness, truth, and conscience

Goodness, truth, and conscience

David Crawford examines Karol Wojtyła’s thought on the relationship between conscience and truth. (37 minutes)
When language is weaponized

When language is weaponized

Jeffrey Meyers explains George Orwell's understanding of how language can be used as a weapon in totalitarian movements and regimes. (10 minutes)
Multi-leveled language and active spiritual engagement

Multi-leveled language and active spiritual engagement

Eugene Peterson talks about how Jesus spent most of his time speaking normally and conversationally, and how the Spirit infused this normal speech. (14 minutes)
Torrential winds of doctrine

Torrential winds of doctrine

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger on the “dictatorship of relativism”
Why liberalism tends toward absolutism

Why liberalism tends toward absolutism

In this lecture, Michael Hanby examines what causes liberalism to become dictatorial in thought and practice. (49 minutes)
No neutral view of the cosmos

No neutral view of the cosmos

Ken Myers argues that Christians need to recover a “whole-earth discipleship” that enables them to think Christianly about all areas of life, including public life. (50 minutes)
The unintended consequences of the Reformation

The unintended consequences of the Reformation

Historian Brad Gregory discusses the unintended consequences of the Reformation, consequences which continue to trouble us. (26 minutes)
Justice and truth

Justice and truth

Joseph Ratzinger: “Plato’s philosophy is utterly misconceived when he is presented as an individualistic, dualistic thinker who negates what is earthly and advocates a flight into the beyond.”
Sustaining a heritage of wisdom

Sustaining a heritage of wisdom

Louise Cowan (1916–2015) explains how the classics reach the deep core of our imagination and teach us to order our loves according to the wholeness of reality. (16 minutes)
Sources of wisdom (and of doubt)

Sources of wisdom (and of doubt)

Roger Lundin shares what he has appreciated about Mars Hill Audio conversations, and he discusses what makes Christian belief so implausible to non-believers. (32 minutes)
Is irrational freedom truly freedom?

Is irrational freedom truly freedom?

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger argues that freedom must be understood in the context of interplay of reason and the will
Is religious belief really true?

Is religious belief really true?

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger asks if Christian faith is just lovely subjective consolation, a kind of make-believe world side by side with the real world
Liberal arts and the importance of truth

Liberal arts and the importance of truth

Listen to conversations with two guests from Volume 153, Margarita Mooney and Louis Markos, on the liberal arts and the importance of truth. (26 minutes
Unreason destroys freedom

Unreason destroys freedom

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger on the relationship between freedom and truth
What is really true? Why does beauty matter?

What is really true? Why does beauty matter?

Bishop Robert Barron talks about the necessity of persuading people that theological claims are about things that are objectively true, not just personally meaningful. (14 minutes)
Justice and gender, round 2

Justice and gender, round 2

Margaret Harper McCarthy, one of the authors of a brief on gender submitted to the Supreme Court, discusses the philosophical and practical implications of fashionable notions of the meaning of gender. (33 minutes)
On the meaning of gender and the truth of human nature

On the meaning of gender and the truth of human nature

Margaret Harper McCarthy, one of the authors of a brief on gender submitted to the Supreme Court, discusses the philosophical and practical implications of fashionable notions of the meaning of gender. (29 minutes)