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Guests heard on Volume 74

Russell Moore, on the struggles at Baylor University, “soul competency,” and the Baptist culture of autonomy

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W. Bradford Wilcox, author of Soft Patriarchs, New Men: How Christianity Shapes Fathers and Husbands, on the characteristics of “soft patriarchy” in evangelical families

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Joseph E. Davis, author of Accounts of Innocence: Sexual Abuse, Trauma, and the Self, on sexual abuse, how it is explained, and how a sense of identity is thereby formed

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Barrett Fisher, on the remarkable achievement of film producers and directors Ismail Merchant and James Ivory

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Jeanne Murray Walker and Darryl Tippens, the editors (together with professor Steven Weathers) of Shadow and Light: Literature and the Life of Faith, on overcoming the neglect of literature that highlights the spiritual dimension of human experience 

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Paul Walker, on the life and music of English organist and composer Thomas Tallis, 1505-1585 (extended interview)

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