An Intercollegiate Studies Institute Partner Feature

released 9/19/2006

Beginning with the refreshing observation of the sheer ugliness of the word “globalization” (“an adjective, converted into a barbaric verb, then forced into service as a still more barbaric noun”), Joshua P. Hochschild observes that this misbegotten word labels a poorly defined concept. Despite its vagueness, it “suggests a trend toward increased economic and political interdependence, which at once fosters and is fostered by cultural homogenization.” Hochschild goes on to examine the effects of this trend on local communities and insists that any effort to evaluate globalization requires a return to a “political teleology,” reflection on the ends of politics given the ends of human being.

This essay was originally published in The Intercollegiate Review, Spring 2006, and is read by Ken Myers.

36 minutes


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