Smith, David I.

Smith, David I.

FROM THE GUEST PAGE: Dr. David I. Smith has written widely and worked extensively with educators at all levels of education on questions of how faith relates to the practice of teaching.
Wise use of educational technologies

Wise use of educational technologies

David I. Smith articulates the difficulties Christian schools face as they seek to use technology in a faithful way. (24 minutes)
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 150

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 150

FEATURED GUESTS: David I. Smith, Eric O. Jacobsen, Matthew Crawford, Andrew Davison, Joseph E. Davis, and Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
How should we then teach?

How should we then teach?

Following three years of research, David I. Smith discusses what he and his colleagues learned about how educational technologies can be profitable servants and not tyrannical masters. (56 minutes)
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 145

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 145

FEATURED GUESTS: David I. Smith, Bruce Hindmarsh, Jason Baxter, John Fea, Laurie Gagne, and Matthew O’Donovan 
On Christian teaching and forming Christian minds

On Christian teaching and forming Christian minds

David I. Smith argues that teaching methods are as important as educational content in forming Christian minds. (9 minutes)
The Practice of Christian Pedagogy, Volume II

The Practice of Christian Pedagogy, Volume II

David I. Smith argues that more attention needs to be given to the meaning conveyed in teaching methods and assumptions about teaching.(63 minutes)
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 132

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 132

FEATURED GUESTS: David I. Smith, Susan Felch, D. C. Schindler, Malcolm Guite, and J. A. C. Redford
The Practice of Christian Pedagogy, Volume I

The Practice of Christian Pedagogy, Volume I

David I. Smith argues that teaching is not merely the transmission of ideas. Rather, there is a formative power in classroom practices and in the culture of schools.(56 minutes)
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 113

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 113

FEATURED GUESTS: Steven Shapin, Arthur Boers, Christine Pohl, Norman Wirzba, Craig Bartholomew, and David I. Smith